So Kingston went to the zoo for the first time yesterday, it was a spur of the moment decision. I was way excited for him to feed the giraffes, and was somewhat disappointed to see that he was not amused. He pretty much had the same expression on his face the entire time. It was really hot and sticky, so I can't really blame him and he is only ten months old, so I guess I shouldn't have expected some amazing reaction from him. Well I had a good time. We'll go back for sure when he's a little older and can appreciate wildlife as much as his mother.
A giant tortoise for the seeing pleasure of Kingston's father

Kingston going through the cooling off mist generously provided by Binder Park Zoo for irritably hot children.

Kingston was forced to give the crackers to the giraffe after he was told he could not eat it himself.

Kingston and the giraffe have a moment...

On our way to Africa which miraculously only takes 4 minutes by tram from Battle Creek, Michigan...who knew?

Kingston stares down a wild peacock roaming aimlessly through the prairie dog area